• English

Winter Clothing Donation Drive

From January 10 to January 19, St. Mary’s held a WINTER CLOTHING DONATION DRIVE to benefit children in the highlands of Vietnam. At St. Mary’s, one of our core values is RESPONSIBILITY and we believe that we have a responsibility to our community and to impact positive change around us whenever we can. Our core values are not just an integral part of our curriculum, they also guide who we are as a school community.

We collected the following new or gently used items in children’s sizes in order to respond to the need for vulnerable children to have warm clothes to get them through the winter: coats, jackets, mittens, gloves, scarves, hats, and umbrellas. 



We wrapped up our Winter Clothing Donation Drive last week and the clothes were delivered on Monday to a crowd of excited children and families! Thank you for being so incredibly generous with your donations of clothing for vulnerable children in Vietnam’s highlands. Our hearts are so full of joy at knowing that so many more children will be warm and safe from the elements this winter. A HUGE GRIZZLY THANK YOU to all of you who donated! You make us so proud to be GRIZZLIES!