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Kindergarten Program Overview

Our Kindergarten Program

Our Grizzly programs are specially tailored to address the developmental and learning needs of students at each age. Our Grizzly 4 program uses My Teaching Strategies – The Creative Curriculum®, a comprehensive, research-based curriculum, which features exploration and discovery as a way of learning, enabling children to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical-thinking skills. We’ve chosen this curriculum because it focuses on the skills and knowledge that are most important for helping your child to be successful in school. Throughout the year, The Creative Curriculum® helps plan learning experiences that are just right for your child, so that they can make progress at their own pace. 


Our Grizzly 5 Program is based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) which, in Kindergarten, lay the foundation for skills students will build upon throughout their academic journey. Kindergarten is also a year that prepares students for success in elementary school. Kindergarten students hone fine and gross motor skills through play and begin to learn to navigate social situations with their peers. Through our values-based curriculum, they gain skills of emotional intelligence – learning about their emotions and how to regulate them. They also learn the foundations of important life skills. Kindergarten also reinforces the importance of beginning literacy, numeracy, and inquiry skills.



Our Kindergarten teachers are our most valuable assets. Educated in their field, experienced in the classroom, and led by a true passion for early childhood education, our teachers bring joy, creativity, and inspiration into their classrooms. Our small class sizes allow students to feel seen and cared for as individuals. The genuine rapport built with students allows them to feel secure and motivated to engage in the learning process. Learning through inquiry, play, and hands-on interactive activities allows Kindergarten students to add to their knowledge and skill base naturally and builds a love of learning and school that will benefit them throughout their educational journey.


Here is some of what our Kindergarten Grizzlies have been up to in our Learn @ Home Program: